Chasing Paranormal - Spirit Realm Network

Chasing Paranormal

Brady and Lexi Goble take you on a front-row seat to historic locations with otherworldly claims. Coming from their Facebook and YouTube independent docuseries, Chasing Paranormal is ready to bring their chase for the paranormal to The Spirit Realm Network. The duo has found incredible audio and video analysis across their first three episodes, and are ready to bring you to historic locations with paranormal occurrences for an overnight stay. With no camera crew, besides themselves, they are ready to test their fears and prove validity to the stories told at the landmarks they investigate, as they look for answers from the other side. With raw audio and video footage, it’s as real as it gets. Are you ready to become a true believer in all things paranormal?


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Brady and Lexi Goble

Created By:

Brady and Lexi Goble

Produced By:

Spirit Realm

First Aired:

No Value (acf:field_639a52cb2ac37)

About the Cast:

A skeptic turned believer, Brady Goble is the Host of Chasing Paranormal and the video editor for the series. He has always held a strong interest in history and the paranormal. Brady began having a love for the field at a young age, often watching any paranormal series he could with his parents, racking his mind with all the information he could handle. He has always had a major love for paranormal devices and electronics, regularly researching ways of communication with the other side.

Brady and Lexi have been investigating together for years, starting with any cemetery with a story that they could find. He relies on his SB7 Spirit Box, EMF Meter, and Zoom H1N as his main investigation tools for communication during investigations. These items have given him the most credible evidence he has received.

His goal is to prove the validity of the history and hauntings of each location they go to on their chase for the unknown. Meeting new people along the way and going to historic landmarks that not many know is a major goal to accomplish throughout his adventures.

Lexi is an empath with a rich love for history. She began having paranormal experiences at a young age starting with seeing shadow figures every night, which she dismissed by sleeping with the TV on. Lexi was the little girl crafting potions with dirt, grass, bugs and anything nature gave her. She was 14 when she saw her first full bodied apparition. A young boy appeared in the reflection of the window in front of her and was gone as soon as she turned around. That would not be the last time she saw him. The paranormal encounters continued throughout her life leading her to Chasing Paranormal.

Chasing Paranormal has allowed Lexi to strengthen her empathic abilities and have a better understanding of emotions, learning effective ways to communicate with the other side.

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